Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Surfer's Journal Volume 19 No.1

Brothers Mikala and Daniel Jones, Timmy Turner, and Dustin Humphrey were headed somewhere remote. I got the invite to bring my Bolex and shoot some 16mm film to add to the ongoing film project. It was all last minute, I didn't know much of anything about where we were going. This was not a magazine organized trip. It was more of a getaway for a few friends. Dustin, Timmy, and the Jones brothers have all been friends for years. Dustin brought along his camera gear in case it got good. Halfway through the trip I asked Dustin if it'd be cool if I tried to write a story. Plus do some drawings. He was all for it. This is what we ended up with:

It's called "a roll of the dice". In these parts Third Coast Surf Shop carries the journal, and I've also seen it at Borders. Hope you can check it out.
